2025 YoRei Life's Reiki Level 1 Shoden Certification Training in Suwanee, GA- 4485 Tench Road #340A, Suwanee, GA 30024
Total Group Training Fees for Shoden Students: $880
Time: 10 AM until 4 PM
(3 day training/18 hour training. Need to attend all three days)
Friday, April 11, Saturday, April 12, and Sunday, April 13, 2025
Having at least one 90 minute Reiki Session or a Zoom Distant Reiki Session with Peg Driscoll. before enrolling in this level 1 training program is preferred. If that's not possible, a phone call with Peg is required.
A $440 non-refundable deposit is required to secure a spot. ✴️before paying call/text Peg Driscoll 678-548-5040 to make sure there is a spot available. Class size is limited. The non-REFUNDABLE deposit $440 will be applied to the training fees.
Online payments can be made via Venmo @Peg-Driscoll (Last four digits of my number 8044) or PayPal to yoreilife@gmail.com
This training is a 3 day program at the YoRei Life studio 4485 Tench Road #340A, Suwanee, GA 30024
Current YoRei Life Students wanting to retake this training gets a15% discount. (total retraining cost $748.00)
If you are in the path of self discovery and would like to use Reiki to positively transform and heal your own life, this level 1 training is for you. Learn and explore the beauty behind energy healing and start using it to create a more balanced world for yourself and others. Level one focuses on your healing and self-improvement. Many people who take this training have no desire to be a practitioner or start a Reiki business.
YoRei Life's Reiki training programs are different from other programs in terms of structure, length and practice times. We believe in the true development of your energy abilities through time and dedicated practice. We encourage each student to be a searcher of truth and inner wisdom.
Program Day 1
What is Reiki?
Ki Energy
How Reiki Works
Benefits of learning Reiki
Ways to use Reiki
Ethics and Consent
Shoden 1st Degree
The History of Reiki
The Gokai/Reiki Principles
Gokai Meditation
First Reiki Attunement
White Light/Reiki Energy Meditation
Kundalini Kriya
Reiki Self- Treatment
Exercise to practice Self Reiki
Reiki professionally or formally
When someone goes through a healing crisis
Program Day 2
Second Reiki Attunement
Reiki Cleansing
Treating others with Reiki/Reiki Hand Positions
What are Chakras?
In detail, go through each Chakra
How to Help Heal/Balance each Chakra
YoRei Life Chakra healing meditation
Mantras and Mudras
Exercise to balance the 7 Chakras and raise your vibrations
The Power of Human Touch
Program Day 3
Third Attunement
Hands-on experience with Reiki
Learn a powerful healing mantra
The ultimate healing tool
Classic pranayama practice
Sat Nam meditation
Loving-kindness meditation
Kriya for self-love
Homework for Level 1 Shoden Certification
Location & Rates
This Training is held at the YoRei Life office located at 4485 Tench Road #340A, Suwanee, GA 30024
Please Read…
The fee for the Level 1 Group training needs to be paid in full on the first day of Class or Before Class. *If a student misses a day or two, or is late for a day, the student does not get money back for the time he/she missed. All sales are final and non-refundable.
*Please note: If the student wants to complete the certification, the student needs to be in class all three days/three parts and complete (in divine timing) all the assigned homework/home study/recored practice that is given at the end of day three. If a student is late or misses a day, it is their responsibility to make up that time by purchasing a three hour “Reiki treatment” from Peg Driscoll where the student can work with Peg on what was missed. If a whole day was missed, more than one “Reiki treatment” service will be needed. For prices for “Reiki treatments”, please refer to the REIKI SERVICES menu.
Tips for a better training experience
Before your Reiki training, set an intention of what you'd like to achieve during your time with us.
Wear very comfortable clothing and wear layers
Bring a blanket
Bring a 1 inch 3 ring binder and pen
Bring your own, preferred snacks/lunch to give you energy throughout the day