2025 YoRei Life's Reiki Level 2 Okuden Certification Training
Total Group Training Fees: $980
This is a 3 day training /18 hour training / Must attend all three days
***Must have taken YoRei Life’s Level 1 Shoden Training first,with Peg Driscoll, to take this Level 2 training.
Time: 10 AM until 4 PM
Friday, May 2, Saturday, May 3, and Sunday, May 4, 2025
⭐️Please call Peg Driscoll to make sure there is a spot available before paying. Class size is limited.
Online payments can be made via Venmo @Peg-Driscoll (Last four digits of my number 8044) or PayPal to yoreilife@gmail.com
Current YoRei Life Level 2 Students wanting to RETAKE this training gets a15% discount. (total retraining cost $833)
Reiki Level 2 will help you to deepen your understanding of this wonderful healing modality. It is likely that by the time you are studying at this level, your doubt and skepticism regarding the effectiveness of Reiki has fallen away and you have a deep respect for the results that Reiki can provide on physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels. If you are feeling called to complete this level, you are ready. Like most things involving energy, learning is experiential. You can effort to try to understand how Reiki energy works and science is providing much more information to help us intellectually navigate through it but the best way to understand Reiki energy is by feeling it.
Reiki energy is everywhere and in all things. It connects everything and has a consciousness that allows everything to be in a constant state of communication.
Reiki Level 2 will continue to explore the amazing power of Reiki.
The second degree explores the Reiki symbols and teaches you how to use them. These symbols will help you to magnify and focus the Reiki energy. The use of these symbols can help to accelerate a session, perform a session from a distance or on imbalances from the past or future as well as focus on mental and emotional clearing. As you use the symbols you will find more applications for them in your sessions and life. With the Level 2 attunement your body’s frequency and intuition will be heightened.
We encourage each student to be a searcher of truth and inner wisdom before becoming an energy healer.
Program Day 1
Definitions of Healing, Illness and Healer
Review Reiki Principles Gokai
What does Okuden mean and why many take Reiki Second Degree (Okuden) Training
Attunement Ceremony
Reiki Symbols/*How to Use the Symbols
First Symbol
Meditation/Visualization exercise using first symbol
Second Symbol
Practice hands on Reiki using the Symbols
Meditation to Strengthen the Nervous System
Program Day 2
Attunement Ceremony
The Third Symbol
Do you need permission to do Distant Reiki?
Ways to Perform Distance Reiki - The Surrogate Method - Using your body as a Surrogate - Visualizing during Distance Reiki
Performing Reiki with the Future, with the Past, and to this World/Earth
Meditation: Creating Your Mental Reiki Room
Using Reiki to Manifest Your Desires /Law of Attraction -The importance of creating a vision board - How to create a vision board and what to do after you create one –How to use Reiki on your vision board
Eggbeater to Recharge Yourself (kundalini kriya)
Program Day 3
Review the Reiki symbols
Gayatri Mantra
Learn about Healing Circles and Experience a Healing circle
Blessing water & food
How to pray in a more positive, uplifting way
Importance of diet and moving energy
Hands on practice
Location & Rates
This training is held at the YoRei Life office located at 4485 Tench Road #340A, Suwanee, GA 30024
Please Read…
The fee for the Level 2 Reiki traing is due on the first day of training or before. *If a student misses a day or two, or is late for a day, the student does not get money back for the time he/she missed. All sales are final and non-refundable.
*Please note: If the student wants to complete the certification, the student needs to be in class all three days/three parts and complete (in divine timing) all the assigned homework/home study/recored practice that is given at the end of day three.If a student is late or misses a day, it is their responsibility to make up that time by purchasing a three hour “Reiki treatment” from Peg Driscoll where the student can work with Peg on what was missed. If a whole day was missed, more than one “Reiki treatment” service will be needed.
Tips for a better training experience
Before your Reiki training, set an intention of what you'd like to achieve during your time with us.
Wear very comfortable clothing and wear layers
Bring a blanket
Bring a 1 inch 3 ring binder and pen
Please bring your own snacks/lunch to give you energy throughout the day
Cancellation & Payment POLICY
A $490 non-refundable deposit is required to secure a spot. The deposit will be applied to the training fees. All sales are final and non-REFUNDABLE. an On-line PayPal payment to yoreilife@gmail.com will SECURE your spot or you can stop by the YoRei Life office to pay with check or cash.